Teens Prescribed Anti-Anxiety or Sleep Medications More Likely to Abuse Drugs

Teens prescribed anti-anxiety or sleep medications may be up to 12 times more likely to abuse those drugs illegally than teens who have never received a prescription, often by obtaining additional pills from friends or family members, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association.


In 2005 Eli Lilly Conveniently Left Out Information that Patients on Prozac are 12x More Likely to Commit Suicide

An internal document purportedly from Eli Lilly and Co. made public Monday appears to show that the drug maker had data more than 15 years ago showing that patients on its antidepressant Prozac were far more likely to attempt suicide and show hostility than were patients on other antidepressants and that the company attempted to minimize public awareness of the side effects.


409 Pairs of Twins Give Strongest Indication that People Are Born Gay

A genetic analysis of 409 pairs of gay twins has provided the strongest evidence yet that gay people are born gay. The study clearly links sexual orientation in men with two regions of the human genome that have been implicated before, one on the X chromosome and one on chromosome 8.


Heavy Marijuana Use Shrinks Your Brain But Compensates By Making More Connections

The first comprehensive investigation into the effects of long-term marijuana use has revealed that while the drug appears to shrink a certain part of the brain in heavy users, their brains will actively compensate for it by increasing connectivity - especially if they started using it young.
